Why Hire A Photographer

Using a tripod to take self portraits or family photos can quickly turn into a monumental task. From coordinating poses, making sure everyone is smiling and looking at the camera, getting the lighting and angles correct, the list goes on. Why not simplify the process and hire a photographer.

I believe in creating a comfortable atmosphere for my client’s photo session. When you feel relaxed you not only enjoy the photo session more, but the photos will capture your genuine smiles and emotions. It is my mission to capture their best moments. Many of these best moments happen because the moment isn’t forced, but its their natural interaction with their spouse or family member. Since they are not trying to manage self timers, and tripods all they have to do is show up and smile. With the burden lifted it puts them in a good mood, and we all know a good mood guarantees better pictures.

Taking the DIY approach to a photo shoot can turn what normally would take 20 minutes into over an hour of retakes. There is only so much a beginner can finagle with a self timer and a tripod. When I am photographing a client I am mindful of what angles are flattering, and how to position them to avoid unwanted shadows. Action shots of my clients holding hands while walking, or lifting a baby into the air are so much fun. It would require alot of skill and patience to get the same shot on a DIY tripod and timer setup. The candid feel of these photos add to what makes them special. When trying to take a staged candid with a tripod and self timer, things can begin to look a little off or stiff. In my portrait sessions it is my goal to showcase my subject’s beauty and capture photos that take their breath away.

By hiring a photographer you will have your photos taken with quality camera gear. Quality lenses alone can cost upward of $1000 EACH. That doesn’t include the cost of the camera body ($1500+), reflectors, props, tripod, backdrops, and photo editing software ($$$) . If you are trying to take quality picture with kit lenses (the lenses that came with your camera) you won’t be able to get a super sharp photo. The nice softly blurred background that can only be achieved with nicer lenses that have a low aperture. Remember camera companies want you to buy more products from them. So of course the kit lens that comes with the camera is not going to get professional results.

Just as you would hire a contractor to remodel your house, you should consider hiring a photographer to take your photos. Sure you could go the DIY route (we have all seen those house flipping shows), but we know that they can get in over their heads due to lack of experience. The same goes for photography. Yes you can setup a tripod, yes you can try to use a remote or self timer, yes you can try to sort and edit through all the photos you took, but there is no guarantee that they will turn out how you are envisioning it. By hiring a photographer, you are paying for their years of experience as a guarantee that your photos will turn out amazing. Photographers have seen what works, and what doesn’t work, and that is what you are paying for. When you look at their portfolio you can get a sense of their editing style and get a feel for how your photos will look when hire them. My clients can look at the photos I post on social media and that I have on my website and can expect similar photos for their photo session.

Now having read my blog post and seeing all that can go awry from the DIY approach, I want to let you know that I am here for you if you decide you want professional photos. I am located in the beautiful Santa Cruz mountains and there are plenty of beautify spots in Santa Cruz county. From the redwood forest to the beach, we have it all! If you are in Northern California, and would like to schedule a photo shoot, let’s chat. I have experience in portrait, corporate, and brand photography. You can view my photography page here.

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